Panel on left has tabs for new documents, open documents, recently used documents. There is a toolbar with a plethora of options for different formatting. Windows can be customized to suit one's needs with a few clicks of a mouse. It is a modern looking application with a menu bar that is divided into five sections: File, Edit, View, Insert, Tools. Software WordPad download for free is a lightweight application with a simple interface that is easy to use. Interface is all very straight forward and user-friendly. Top menu bar contains a button to create a new document, a button to open an existing document, a button to save a document, a button to open a help menu, a button to open a web browser, and a button to exit application. It contains a menu bar on top of screen that has commonly used functions. It is a useful app for students or office workers who need a simple text editor to create and edit documents. It is basic word processor that helps you create and edit text documents, is a great tool for anyone who wants to get things done on WordPad for Windows PC. It is a close sibling of more powerful Microsoft Word application with all basic features one would expect from a word processor. WordPad is a free and open source word processor available for Microsoft Windows operating systems.